Sr. No. |
| Teacher
| Download lecture |
1 |
Study materials for class 12th and B sc part 1 ( H) & subsidiary no. Of lectures 3 , date- 15- 4- 2021 , topic chemical kinetics |
Dr Lalan jha |
2 |
Study materials for class 11th and B sc part 1 no.of lectures 2 , date - 13- 4 - 2021 ,topic solution |
Dr Lalan jha |
3 |
Study materials for class B sc part 1& Class11th no.of lecture 2 date - 11- 4- 2021 .topic equilibrium |
Dr Lalan jha |
4 |
Study materials for class B sc part 1& class12th date 10- 4- 2021 no. Of lectures 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
5 |
Study materials for class 11th & class B sc part 2 , topic- thermodynamics date 9- 4-2021 no.of lectures 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
6 |
Study materials for class B sc part 2, & class 12th topic d- block elements continue date 8- 4- 2021 no.of lectures ( 2) |
Dr Lalan jha |
7 |
Study materials for class B sc part 2 & class12th topic d block elements ,date 7- 4- 2021 , no. Of lectures 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
8 |
Study materials for class 12th & B sc part 2 , topic - members of T. M ,series date 6- 4-2021 no.of lectures( 02) |
Dr Lalan jha |
9 |
Study materials for class B sc part 2, & class 12th topic d- block elements continue date 8- 4- 2021 no.of lectures ( 2) |
Dr Lalan jha |
10 |
Study materials for class 12th & B sc part 2 ,topic - d- block elements ,date 5- 4- 2021 , no.of lectures ( 02) |
Dr Lalan jha |
11 |
E content for class B sc part 2 , & class 12th , no. Of lectures ( 02) , date 3- 4- 2021 topic- V B T of complexes |
Dr Lalan jha |
12 |
Assignment for class B sc part 1 , & 11th , no. Of lectures 2 ,date 27- 03- 2021 , topic - equilibrium |
Dr Lalan jha |
13 |
E content for class B sc part 1 & class 11th ,date 24- 3- 2021 no.of lectures 2 ,topic- equilibrium |
Dr Lalan jha |
14 |
Assignment for class B sc part2& class 12th , date 20- 3- 2021 , topic - coordination compound continue no of lectures ( 02) |
Dr Lalan jha |
15 |
Assignment for class 12th & B sc part2 ,topic terms used in coordination compound date 16 - 3 - 2021, no.of lectures (02) |
Dr Lalan jha |
16 |
Assignment for class B sc part 2, & class 12 , date 15- 3- 2021 , topic coordination compound no. Of lectures 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
17 |
E content for class B sc part 1, class 11th ,no.of lectures 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
18 |
Assignment for class 11th & B sc part 2 date 23-2-2021 no.of lecture 3 |
Dr Lalan jha |
19 |
Assignment for class 11th & B sc part 2 date 23-2-2021 no.of lecture 3 |
Dr Lalan jha |
20 |
Assignment for B sc part2 date 22- 2- 21 |
Dr Lalan jha |
21 |
Assignment for class 12& Bsc part 2, chemical kinetics , date- 20 - 2- 2021 , no. Of lecturers( 2) |
Dr Lalan jha |
22 |
Assignment for class 11thA&B ,date 20-02-2021 topic redox rkn,no.of lecture 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
23 |
Assignment for class 11th & B sc part 2 ,date - 19- 02- 2021 topic work & Cp - Cv= R, no. of lect 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
24 |
Probable question for class B sc part1 date 15- 10 2020 |
Dr Lalan jha |
25 |
Probable question for class B sc part1 date 15- 10 2020 |
Dr Lalan jha |
26 |
Assignment for class B Sc part 1 , class 12 ,topic : zero order rkn date 12 - 10 - 2020 , no. Of lecture 02 |
Dr Lalan jha |
27 |
Assignment / lectures note on 1st order rkn , for class B sc part 1 & class12 date 10- 10 - 2020 no of lectures 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
28 |
Document from DR. LALAN KUMAR JHA |
Dr Lalan jha |
29 |
Assignment date 02-09-2020 |
Dr Lalan jha |
30 |
Assignment for class 12th, topic : 16 group element oxygen , date 29-8- 2020 , no of .lecture 01 |
Dr Lalan jha |
31 |
Assignment for class 12, topic : phosphorous halide , date 28 - 8 - 2020 , no.of lecture 1 |
Dr Lalan jha |
32 |
Assignment for class 12th, topic: oxides of nitrogen date 27 - 8 - 2020 |
Dr Lalan jha |
33 |
Assignment for class 12 , topic p block element , date 25 - 8- 2020 |
Dr Lalan jha |
34 |
Assignment for class 12 , topic extraction of cu , date 24- 08- 20 |
Dr Lalan jha |
35 |
Assignment for class 12 , date 22- 08- 2020, topic isolation of element basic terms , no.of lecture 01 |
Dr Lalan jha |
36 |
Assignment for class 12,& class B Sc part 01 , date : 21- 08- 2020 ,topic covalent, and metallic radius |
Dr Lalan jha |
37 |
Assignment for class B sc part 1& class 12 , topic : types of crystalline solid , date 19- 08- 2020 , no. Of lecture 02 |
Dr Lalan jha |
38 |
Assignment for class B sc part one & class 12th , topic crystalline and amorphous solid no.of lecture 2, date 18- 08- 2020 |
Dr Lalan jha |
39 |
Assignment for class B Sc part 01 & class 12 topic hybridisation |
Dr Lalan jha |
40 |
Assignment for B Sc part 3 topic alfa, beta, gama rays |
Dr Lalan jha |
41 |
Lecture note for class 12th and B Sc part 1 topic : Biomolecule |
Dr Lalan jha |
42 |
Lecture note for class 12th topic difference b/w electronic and electrolytic cell date 13- 08- 2020. |
Dr Lalan jha |
43 |
Assignment for B sc part 1 & class 11th classification of gases date 11 - 08-2020 |
Dr Lalan jha |
44 |
Assignment for class B Sc part 2 , topic name rkn date 11- 10 - 2020 , total no. Of lecture 03 |
Dr Lalan jha |
45 |
Assignment For part 2,topic:Name Reaction,Date:08/08/2020 Number of Lectures=1 |
Dr Lalan jha |
46 |
Assignment for class 12 , topic difference between true solution , colloidal solution,and suspension |
Dr Lalan jha |
47 |
12 th Zoology Lecture 0n--Processing ofmRNA |
Dr Sanjeev Kumar |
48 |
Assignment for class 12th , topic enzyme catalysis date 06- 08- 2020 |
Dr Lalan jha |
49 |
Assignment for class 12, topic: adsorption isotherm, for class B sc part 3, topic : Frenudlich absorption isotherm date 04- 08- 2020, total no. Of lectures 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
50 |
Lecture note on types of adsorption and difference b/w physical and chemical adsorption for class 12 th and B sc part 3 |
Dr Lalan jha |
51 |
Assignment/ Lecture note , for class 12, topic types of adsorption |
Dr Lalan jha |
52 |
Assignment for class B sc part 3, topic: Application of EMF |
Dr Lalan jha |
53 |
Assignment for class B.Sc part-2 , topic : Kohlrausch law and its application |
Dr Lalan jha |
54 |
Assignment for class B. Sc part-3 , topic L J P and their expression |
Dr Lalan jha |
55 |
Assignment/ lecture note on surface chemistry for class 12th , topic basic terms used in surface chemistry |
Dr Lalan jha |
56 |
Assignment for class B Sc part 3 |
Dr Lalan jha |
57 |
Assignment for class B sc part 2 & class 12 |
Dr Lalan jha |
58 |
Assignment for class-12,Topic-Nernst equation & class B Sc part 2 topic Nernst equation date 23- 07 20 total lectures. 02 |
Dr Lalan jha |
59 |
Assignment , for class 12 topic: molar conductivity & class B sc part 2 topic: knoevenagel condensation |
Dr Lalan jha |
60 |
Assignment , for class 12 topic: molar conductivity & class B sc part 2 topic: knoevenagel condensation |
Dr Lalan jha |
61 |
Assignment for class B sc part 2 topic name reaction & class 12 topic alkyl halide date 20- 07 - 2020 total lectures 02 |
Dr Lalan jha |
62 |
Assignment for class B sc part 2 topic name reaction & class 12 topic alkyl halide date 20- 07 - 2020 total lectures 02 |
Dr Lalan jha |
63 |
Assignment for class 12 & BSc part2 topic relation between cell potential and equilibrium constant |
Dr Lalan jha |
64 |
Lecture note on relation b/w cell potential and equilibrium constant |
Dr Lalan jha |
65 |
Assignment for class Part 2 |
Dr Lalan jha |
66 |
Assignment for class B.Sc part-3 |
Dr Lalan jha |
67 |
12 th Zoology Lecture On- Transcription |
Dr Sanjeev Kumar |
68 |
Assignment for class B sc part2& class 12 topic SHE and determination of electrode potential of unknown electrode with the help of SHE |
Dr Lalan jha |
69 |
Assignment for class B sc part 2 & class 12 topic determination of electrode potential |
Dr Lalan jha |
70 |
Assignment for class 12 ,topic: electrode potential and EMF of the cell |
Dr Lalan jha |
71 |
Assignment for class12th and B Sc part 2 topic faraday law of electrolysis |
Dr Lalan jha |
72 |
Assignment for class 12th chapter : Electro chemistry , topic : basic terms used in electro chemistry |
Dr Lalan jha |
73 |
Assignment for class12th topic: vant Hoff factor and their calculation |
Dr Lalan jha |
74 |
Assignment for class 12 solution topic: isotonic ,hypertonic hypotonic solution and abnormal molecular mass |
Dr Lalan jha |
75 |
Assignment for class 12th solution topic: osmotic pressure and osmosis |
Dr Lalan jha |
76 |
Assignment for class 12th solution topic: depression of freezing point |
Dr Lalan jha |
77 |
Assignment for class 12th topic: elevation of boiling point date |
Dr Lalan jha |
78 |
Assignment for class 12th topic- colligative properties (1) relative lowering of vapour pressure |
Dr Lalan jha |
79 |
Assignment/ econtant for class 12 solution topic- ideal and non ideal solution |
Dr Lalan jha |
80 |
Assignment for class 12th Raoults law and type of solution on the basis of Raoults law |
Dr Lalan jha |
81 |
chemistry |
Dr Lalan jha |
82 |
Fructose |
Dr Lalan jha |
83 |
cyclic structure of glucose |
Dr Lalan jha |
84 |
structure of glucose |
Dr Lalan jha |
85 |
carbohydrate and their classification |
Dr Lalan jha |
86 |
name reaction wurtz fittig reaction, perkins reaction & Reimer Tiemann Reaction |
Dr Lalan jha |
87 |
Burch reduction, Benzoin condensation, & knoevenagel condensation |
Dr Lalan jha |
88 |
Name Reaction |
Dr Lalan jha |
89 |
Kirchoffs Law or Equation |
Dr Lalan jha |
90 |
Calculation of rasonance energy |
Dr Lalan jha |
91 |
reversible and irreversible process |
Dr Lalan jha |
92 |
Assignment for class B sc part1 & class 11th |
Dr Lalan jha |
93 |
Hess law |
Dr Lalan jha |
94 |
heat capacity and mathematical formation of 1st law of thermodynamics |
Dr Lalan jha |
95 |
12th chemical kinetics 1st order rkn & microscopic properties |
Dr Lalan jha |
96 |
Thermodynamics |
Dr Lalan jha |
97 |
probable question and answer |
Dr Lalan jha |
98 |
Assignment |
Dr Lalan jha |
99 |
law of mass a tion & relation b/w kp and kc |
Dr Lalan jha |
100 |
Biology and Human welfare |
Dr Sanjeev Kumar |
101 |
Significance of Van Der Wall constant and different types of molecular speed |
Dr Lalan jha |
102 |
Assignment for class 11th and B sc part 1 |
Dr Lalan jha |
103 |
Kinetic Theory of Gases and Boyles Law |
Dr Lalan jha |
104 |
Raoults Law |
Dr Lalan jha |
105 |
Laws of chemical Combination |
Lalan jha |
106 |
Henry law |
Lalan jha |
107 |
Chemistry Notes |
Dr Lalan jha |
108 |
Chemistry Notes |
Lalan jha |
109 |
Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure |
Lalan jha |
110 |
Chemistry Notes |
Lalan jha |
111 |
Common Ion Effect |
Lalan jha |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
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118 |
- Dr Lalan Jha |
119 |
- Dr Lalan Jha |